welcome :))

my name is sol. as you could probably tell from the title, i write poetry. and while i write poetry for others to listen, i also write it so you can make it yours. think of these as pieces of glass from a broken tower window. the more you find, the more you’ll piece together. and while you will never piece it together in its entirety, you will learn what it meant to its maker. and along the way, you may find your own meaning in the pieces. take from them what you will–the poems are designed to be shared, adapted, and made yours.

you could begin with some of the recent posts, down below. or you could click on the navigation pane on the top right, which takes you to the inventory of all the pieces waiting to be made yours.

what i write may be painful, or deep, or profoundly confusing. it may scare you. but if you would like to join me, i would be glad to have you.

if you have questions about the meaning of (or easter eggs in) a poem, or a subject you’d like to see a poem from me on, you can contact old.soul.intj@gmail.com.

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